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Skateboarding Tricktionary - I
A boneless to fakie.
Illusion Flip
Many people confuse this trick with a hardflip. An illusion flip is a type of hardflip performed vertically through the riders legs. To achieve this the skateboarder must rotate his body 90° frontside, before turning back to catch the board and land. The flip resembles a vertical pop shuvit but is in effect a half backflip, half kickflip, the opposite of a phobia flip.
A very difficult trick originating in flatland skateboarding involving the vertical end over end rotation, or backflip, of the skateboard around the riders back foot. Like a pressure flip, in an impossible the front foot does nothing except get out of the way. If you watch one, the back foot scoops forwards as the rider pops, to start the backflip motion, and then whips around in a circular motion, as the board literally has to roll around the back foot to complete the trick.
This trick was invented by Rodney Mullen in the 80's after he was told that it would be "literally impossible" to get the board to flip end over end. After landing the trick, there was really no other name he could give it...
A grab trick where the back hand grabs the toeside edge of the board about half way along. This is the most common grab trick in vert skating.
Done on ramps, the invert is a handplant trick with many variations. In the basic invert, the board is grabbed mute and the back hand is placed on the coping to allow the skater to go completely upside down before re-entering the ramp.
Inward Heelflip
The opposite of an inward kickflip, an inward heelflip is a varial heelflip where the varial is popped backside instead of frontside. The rider must flick the heelflip off of the leading edge of the board as it turns, making the trick extremely difficult and impressive.
Note that this is a different trick to the version where you turn backside 90° in mid air and let the board flip between your legs, which is known as a phobia flip. Like the hardflip, phobia flips were created as an easier (though still not easy) version of inward heelflips, so if you can't work out how to inward heelflip give that a go instead. In an inward heelflip, the board must spin laterally underneath your feet, not through your legs.
Inward Kickflip
A varial kickflip where the varial is popped frontside instead of backside. See hardflips for more detail.
Irish Flip
Pull the board like a half nosehook impossible from a no handed 50-50, and then do a late underflip to land normally.
Skateboarding Tricktionary - H
Half Cab
A 180° fakie ollie - half a cabalerial.
Half Cab Impossible
A half cab impossible is a combination of a half cab and a fakie impossible, often confused with a rolling nosehook impossible.
The way to tell is to look at the front foot, obviously. Also, nosehook impossibles tend to stall on the tail slightly, while the half cab impossible is more of a fluid motion. If you watch, Mullen's are almost always nosehooks, and not half cab impossibles.
Half Pipe
The primary structure used in vert skating consisting of two concave ramps (or quarterpipes) facing each other. Originally a half pipe was simply that - a cross section of half a pipe - but modern half pipes usually have an area of flat ground between the transitioned sides to enable the skater more time to regain his balance between tricks and prepare for the next trick. Half pipes take two main forms - small mini ramps, used more for lip tricks and aimed largely at beginners, and vert ramps which feature a purely vertical wall at the top of the transition.
Hand Casper
A casper with the nose held up by one or both hands in any way at all.
A generic name for any move where a hand is placed on something to support the skater. The term generally refers to an invert variation, though.
Much like the much-loved staple product of any British DIY'er, Ronseal, this does what it says on the tin. You just do a handstand on the board. Comes in fetching one handed, rolling, rail stand and English variants, with many different flips, shuvits and fingerflips out.
Handstand Fingerflip
These are slightly different to your basic handstand flips. Whereas handstand flips are pulled towards you, handstand fingerflips are flipped the other way, meaning that you actually have to use a hand at either end (like a cannonball grab) to actually flip the board.
Handstand Flip
There are many different types of handstand flip, the "basic" handstand flip involves gripping onto the toeside edge of the deck with your hands while in the standard handstand position and kicking your legs in the air to launch you upwards so you can flip the board under you - much like a monkeyflip.
Other types of handstand flip include varialflips, 360 flips, railhandstand flips, one handed handstand flips and english handstand flips. Note that handstand shuvits and handstand fingerflips can also be done, but both use a slightly different technique.
Handstand Shuvit
Yep, like flips, shuvits can also be done from a handstand. I've also heard of handstand bigspins being done, but have yet to see one.
Hang Ten
Refers to a stance where the skateboarder has both feet facing forward on the nose. It's named after a surfing trick where the surfer would hang their ten toes over the nose (not necessary in skateboarding, obviously). A hang ten nosemanual is possible if your balance is godlike.
The name given to the period of time spent in the air after launching from a half pipe, ramp, kicker or any other obstacle.
Apparently this is *the* tech trick of modern day street skating. This is a varial kickflip done the difficult way - you should know what a varial kickflip is before you try and grasp the hardflip.
The varial is popped frontside instead of backside, meaning that your front foot has to flick off the leading edge of the skateboard as it rotates to get the board to flip, making it very awkward.
To do this, you can 'cheat' and turn frontside in mid air, allowing the skateboard to flip between your legs, before turning back again to catch the board and land the trick. This is often known as an illusion flip. This variation doesn't look like a varial kickflip, which goes a long way to explaining the confusion that surrounds them. When you watch someone doing one, it looks like the board is doing half a back flip and half a kickflip. The trademark of this - the illusion flip - is the way the skateboard flips between the legs rather than under the feet.
The 'proper' way, if such a term can be used in skateboarding, is to make the skateboard do the varial under the feet. This is much more difficult and rarely looks as smooth as the easier version. This trick is the opposite of an inward kickflip.
The collective name for the nuts and bolts which hold the trucks to the deck.
A variation on an ollie where the skater flicks his front foot off the toe edge of the board as he ollies, causing the board to flip once, twice or even three times. This is the opposite (and usually more difficult version of) a kickflip.
A wheelie performed with both feet on the tail of the skateboard facing forwards - similar to a hang ten nose manual, except at the other end of the skateboard.
Like frontside and backside, heelside is used to further define some rail tricks and tricks involving a flip, in this case towards the heel edge of the skateboard. This originated in flatland skateboarding where, along with the toeside definition, tricks could be better described. Still a useful term today if you are into fingerflips, rail flips etc...
A 360° frontside nollie. That is, a three hundred and sixty degree ollie off of the nose of the skateboard. The helipop was invented by Rodney Mullen, and he would later invent the helipop heelflip.
Ho Ho Plant
A handstand done with both hands on the floor/coping, feet fully extended, and the board resting on top of the feet in what would be a normal riding position. Can be done as an invert on vert, from a street plant, or as a yoyo plant variation.
I heard rumours that a US freestyler called Terry Synnott can do yoyo-to-hoho plants and do ollie kickflip and shuvit variations while in the Ho-Ho position. Mad.
Hospital Flip
A type of casper flip. A half kickflip to casper position in mid air, followed by a varial half underflip with your front foot to get your board back the right way up.
This combo grind trick consists of a 180° ollie into a fakie feeble grind. In more detail, a feeble grind is where the back truck grinds the obstacle with the front truck next to the obstacle on the toeside. The deck is therefore pointed downwards and the underside of the deck itself often slides along the obstacle as well. So do that backwards after ollying 180° and you'll be doing a hurricane grind.
Skateboarding Tricktionary - G
G Turn
In the days before wheelies were taken to obstacles and called manuals, there were G turns. G turns were nose wheelies where you carve round in a circle that gets steadily tighter, the theory being that the more full circles you do, the better, and you could end with a spin.
They can be done in a normal nosewheelie, or in a hang ten or one footed version.
A fakie 360° mute grab fastplant. Named after Mark "Gator" Anthony, who not only invented the trick, but later became infamous after killing a woman and burying her in the desert.
Gay Twist
This is a caballerial with a mute grab. Needless to say, people rarely do gay twists outside of vert and ramp skating.
This is a 540° shuvit where the rider of the skateboard also spins a 360° body follow (a body follow is a body varial in the same direction as the skateboard is spinning). Rodney Mullen does lots of gazelles in his video parts, and rightly so because they look sweet.
Gazelle Flip
Quite simply, a gazelle with any kind of flip.
Ghetto Bird
The ghetto bird is a 'signature trick' of pro skater Kareem Campbell, although like many signature tricks it's probable that the trick was landed well before Kareem popularised it. The trick itself is simply an illusion flip revert; in other words, you pop an illusion flip and then turn 180° after catching the board just as or just after you're landing.
Note: Many people will tell you that a ghetto bird is a hardflip revert, but I've watched Campbell do this trick a lot and he definately doesn't do a 'proper' hardflip (a flip that spins under the feet). The confusion stems from the fact that few people understand the difference between a hardflip and an illusion flip. That's not to take anything away from the trick, because illusion flips are still damn good and most people do "hardflips" that way anyway (in fact, I've never seen anyone do a proper hardflip).
A flatland flip trick done out of hang ten stance, in which the rider is balancing with both feet facing forwards side by side on the nose of the skateboard. The flip consists of half a front flip and half a normal flip, achieved by jumping up sharply from both feet with a slight empasis on one side of the nose to get the side spin required. The board flips vertically beneath the riders feet, so he must tuck his knees nice and high to avoid the board before turning 90° in mid air and landing in switch or regular stance.
Gnar Jar
A 540° to tail. Broken down, this means you get air on a vert ramp, spin 540°, and slap your tail on the coping on the way down.
Godzilla Flip
An impossible from a tail stop that is started by pulling the nose of the board over your foot with your hand as you jump.
Be aware that there is a difference between this and the godzilla railflip.
Godzilla Railflip
A frontside varial railflip from toeside rail that flips 1.75 times in the heelflip direction.
Not to be confused with a godzilla flip which is a different trick entirely.
Goofy Foot
A term describing a skateboarder whose natural stance is right foot forwards. Goofy footed skaters are the minority - most skaters are regular footed.
Gorilla Grip
When skaters still skated barefoot, they would curl their toes around the ends of the board so they could pull the board up with them as they jumped, and this was called a Gorilla Grip.
Grab Trick
A trick involving holding a part of the skateboard with one or both hands while airborne. Grab tricks are common in vert skating where half pipes give plenty of hangtime, but are also seen occasionally in street skating off big ramps or kickers.
Grey Slide
Named after Jim Grey, the Grey Slide is a vert tailslide where the front hand grabs the nose and the back hand is on the coping, creating a layback slide variation.
The act of riding along an obstacle - usually a kerb, rail or ledge - on the trucks of the skateboard. This often makes a distinctive grinding noise. There are dozens of grind variations, some of the most common are the 50-50 grind, nosegrind, and the 5-0 grind.
Part of a skateboard - the stickybacked sandpaper applied to the top of a deck to enable a skateboarders shoes to grip the skateboard.
Gymnast Plant
1. A no-footed invert on a ramp; the legs are extended upwards and held together perfectly in a good gymnast plant.
2. A one handed handstand from a rail stand or a tail stop position in freestyle skateboarding. One hand holds the board in the air while the other hand is planted on the floor. Note that your feet should never touch the floor in a good gymnast plant.
Skateboarding Tricktionary - F
A skateboarding stance. In fakie the feet are positioned naturally but the skateboard travels backwards. The skater effectively stands at the front end of the board as it rolls and looks over his shoulder to see where he is going. This isn't as difficult as it may sound. In fact, riding fakie is only marginally more difficult than riding naturally. See this skateboarding article for more information.
Fakie Flip
A kickflip performed in fakie stance.
Fakie Ollie
An ollie performed in fakie. The trick is performed identically to an ollie, the only difference is that as the board is travelling backwards the fakie ollie is popped off of the 'front' of the board and because of this it is similar in appearance to a nollie, but way easier.
A fingerflip from pogo back to pogo.
An ollie resulting in a grabbed footplant on an obstacle or lip of some kind. This can be any kind of footplant (that is, a stall with one foot balancing on the obstacle and one foot on the skateboard) but the most common one would seem to be the front foot on the obstacle with the back foot on the skateboard, being held up by the back hand near the nose of the board.
Feeble Grind
A grind on the back truck on the obstacle with the skateboard at a slight angle thrown left of the obstacle if your right foot is forward, or right of the obstacle if your left foot is forward. The front wheels are therefore next to the obstacle instead of above it, and the middle of the deck itself often slides along the obstacle as well.
A flip trick performed with the fingers. Fingerflips are a legacy passed down from flatland skateboarding where using your hands was one of the few ways you could do a flip. Fingerflips are performed by gripping either the nose or tail of the board with your fingertips and flicking your wrist to spin the board either toeside or heelside.
See also monkey flips.
Part of an old school skateboard - the kind of tail which got wider at the end like (duh) a fish's tail.
This is a very strange flatland trick - it's a one footed nose pivot done more like a 180° slide on flatland. As you finish the 180° spin, you end up standing on one foot, carving around fakie to complete a semi-circular turn. When this is finished, you put your back foot back onto the grip, resulting in you riding off fakie from the direction you originally came from.
The name "Flamingo" refers to the fact you're on one leg throughout. However, the good old guys responsible for the Tony Hawk's games messed it up AGAIN (refer to the "Reemo" and "Yeah Right Manual" for further examples of this) and called the calf wrap a flamingo for the same reason.
1. The name for flat, smooth, level ground in skating. 2. A term for skating on flat ground, such as "he does lots of flatland skating". It's important to note that this differs from freestyle, as flatland skaters pay no real attention to flow, and don't use footwork to fill in the gaps between their tricks.
Generally, to refer to any trick where the board spins along an axis that runs the length of the skateboard. For example a kickflip or varial heelflip. Each full flip is a 360° rotation.
Where no other type of flip is specified, a flip refers to a kickflip, as in nollie flip or fakie flip.
FMX, or freestyle motocross, is an extreme sport involving motorbikes. Since FMX, or XFMX (extreme freestyle motocross) is currently outside the scope of Board Crazy, you'll have to continue your education at this XFMX tricktionaryExternal Link.
A generic term for any trick where the foot is planted on the floor. However, it generally refers to the back foot being planted, especially in vert/ditch/bank skating, as footplants using the front foot have specific names (e.g. the boneless).
Small, dance-like moves that are used in freestyle skateboarding to fill out the spaces between tricks.
Footwork generally varies wildly between skaters, but common examples are walk the dogs and endovers.
Forward Flip
This is a flip where you ollie and push the board down on the nose while you are in the air, resulting in the board nose-diving and flipping 180° end over end - with half a kickflip so that you can land back on the grip.
Freestyle is the original trick-based form of skateboarding, dating back to the early 70's. It takes a more artistic approach to skating, using a wide range of tricks (such as caspers, shuvits and rail tricks) on flat ground, with attention paid to flow and style.
However, at the start of the 90's, it was pushed out of skating by the skateboarding industry and media as street skating came in. However, it never died, and is currently becoming steadily more popular as an alternative form of skating.
Frixion Flip
A casper disaster without letting the body follow the board, resulting in a quick rail shuvit.
Front Foot Impossible
This is an impossible performed using the front foot. Due to the nature of the trick, front foot impossibles are usually performed as a kind of late flip. This is because the board has to do a front flip around the front foot, which is awkward (to say the least) without gaining air first. Otherwise the same principles as with the impossible apply to the front foot impossible - a quick, circular motion of the front foot to get the board to roll around it.
This trick is not to be confused with a nollie impossible, which although would be using the front foot is a different kettle of fish entirely.
Often abbreviated to f/s, the opposite of backside. Describes a trick performed by the rider or skateboard turning towards the riders front. Safe bet - if your back foot is moving forwards, the trick is frontside.
Frontside Air
Gaining air (usually out of a half pipe) and travelling in the direction your heels are facing while turning frontside. Frontside airs are more a bit more difficult than backside airs because you can't spot your landing as early, and in general most skaters find it more awkward to turn frontside.
Frontside Flip
A frontside 180° kickflip.
Frontside Ollie
A frontside 180° ollie.
FS or F/S
A standard abbreviation of frontside.
Skateboarding Tricktionary - E
Early Grab
Any grab trick that is grabbed before take off. Although generally done off or out of a ramp, they can be done off the floor by simply pulling the board up as you jump.
An invert done with the front hand planted and the board grabbed indy instead.
This is a fakie 360° invert. The name comes from a combination of the caballerial - a fakie 360° ollie - and the name of the inventor, Eddie Elguera.
Emerald Flip
Quite simply, an emerald flip is another name for a 360° inward heelflip.
Turning 180° with the board. Like switching except usually performed over and over and over again. See this flatland skating article for more information.
English Flip
An irish flip from casper instead of from a no handed 50-50.
English Handstand
One of the harder handstands, this trick is basically nothing more than a standard handstand with both hands in the middle of the board, gripping onto the sides of the deck, which means that your body is parallel with the board during the handstand - making it a lot harder to balance. English handstand flips can be done with practice - working much like a classic kickflip.
English Wheelie
An English wheelie is the same as the Danish wheelie, but actually balanced and held as a wheelie instead of letting the tail drag across the floor.
Skateboarding Tricktionary - D
Riding two skateboards with a foot on each, one in a nosemanual and one in a manual. Neversoft (via Tony Hawks Pro Skater) have propagated this trick as the 'Yeah Right Manual'. Thanks to a guy called Burnkiss for making this one clear to me.
Daffy Manual update from Lynn Cooper: In the Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 game, it was me shown in the Neversoft Friends videoclip performing the two board manual. Basically, the trick was around for years, but I was the one that came up with the backward variations of the trick, including the cooper walk-about, in which I perform a backward daffy manual, spin and then while one board remains still, I complete a 360° manual around the other board then spin backwards into a reverse manual again. It's kind of complicated to explain, but I've been performing this trick professionally since the early 1980's. It's one of my "trademark" tricks! - Lynn Cooper www.skatelegends.comExternal Link
Danish Wheelie
Although a Danish Wheelie is not really a wheelie, it ended up being called one nonetheless. You hook the front foot under the nose, move your back foot up the board until it is off the tail and past the truck slightly, and pull the board up with the front foot until you are sliding on the tail.
A darkslide is an upside down boardslide or lipslide. The skateboarder slides on the obstacle at right angles to it with his feet on the underside of each kicktail. The darkslide was invented, like so many other great skateboarding tricks, by Rodney Mullen.
By extension, it is also possible to do dark tailslides and dark noselides.
Part of a skateboard - the wooden part! A skateboard deck is generally made of seven layers of laminated maple wood. The idea is to make something strong yet light.
The size and shape of a deck has a big effect on what the skater can do with it. A typical skateboard is 7.75" wide. Technical street, flatland and trick skaters tend to prefer narrower, shorter decks which are easier to flip, while vert and ramp skaters tend to prefer longer, wider decks which are more stable at high speed and easier to balance on. Of course, personal preference and foot size must also be factored in when choosing a deck.
The concave of a deck measures the amount of curve from the middle to the edges. In general a deck with a lot of concave has more 'feel' and is a lot stronger than one with little or no concave at all.
A lip trick or stall which is effectively a lipslide without sliding - placing the rear wheels over the lip with the board resting on the edge of the lip.
Ditch Skating
The term given to skating any of the drainage ditches that are so common in the west coast of America.
For those that don't know what a drainage ditch looks like, click hereExternal Link to see a good example.
Double Kickflip
A kickflip flicked sufficiently hard that the board spins two full flips, or 720°.
Downhill Sliding
Favoured by longboarders, a skater puts hard, slippy plastic pads onto his gloves, goes down a hill as fast as he dares, and puts one or both hands onto the road to allow him to push the board round into a slide. Eventually, the board is bought back into a normal position and the skater can stand up.
There are loads of variations, including the backside slide and the Coleman slide.
Drop In
Literally 'dropping in' to a half pipe or quarter pipe from the top. The skater usually starts in a tailstall position on the coping and from there tips the skateboard down and into the ramp.
Dropping in is one of the first big hurdles faced by anyone who wants to skate vert, as the skateboard (and rider) must be quickly transferred from a horizontal position to a vertical position and the slightest hesitation tends to result in the skateboard shooting out from under the rider.
Skateboarding Tricktionary - C
Cab Flip
A 360° fakie kickflip, not to be confused with a fakie 360° kickflip! The cab part of the trick name comes from caballerial which is a 360° fakie ollie.
This is a 360° fakie ollie. This means the skateboarder rides backwards in fakie and pops a huge ollie, rotating 360° in mid-air before landing back in fakie again.
The caballerial is named after the famous old-school pro-skater Steve Cabalero, who presumably was the first skater to land a 360° fakie ollie. Combine it with a mute grab to do a gay twist.
Calf Wrap
This one is extremely difficult to describe accurately, and right now I can't find any photos to reference. Basically, the calf wrap trick involves standing on one leg, with the other leg bent behind it and tucked into the back of your knee. The skateboard is held off the ground, clamped between the two legs.
This position is achieved by doing a modified no comply, stepping off the board with your front foot as you pop (this will be the foot you end up standing on) and scooping the skateboard backside and up as you do so in order to get it up between your legs. Once in the calf wrap stance, you can jump up and down a few times with the board held in place before manoeuvering the board with your legs in order to jump back into a more normal stance.
A grab trick where both the nose and tail are both gripped with either hand. Requires crouching down and making a vaguely ball like shape with your body and board, hence the name of 'cannonball'.
Much like the Sidewinder, this is another specific truck-to-truck transfer. Think of it as a half impossible from a 50-50 truckstand to a switch 50-50 - still standing on the back foot.
If you turn by leaning to one side instead of picking the front wheels up and rotating slightly, you are carving. You can carve around on ramps, in ditches, during wheelies, or just across a road, but the name remains the same.
A freestyle stance where the skateboard is upside down and balanced on the point of the tail. The skaters back foot is on the underside of the tail and the board maintains it's angled position by the skaters front foot being hooked under the deck. It is important to note that having the front foot on the floor is considered cheating, and not a proper casper.
Casper Disaster
Despite the name, this isn't a casper trick at all - it was just invented by the same man. Basically, it is a fakie 180° pivot in rail where the deck and the front wheel never touches the floor. The board is pushed through the pivot with the front foot on the grip, and when the 180° is complete, the deck is set back down to the wheels.
As this isn't the easiest trick to describe, here's a casper disaster tricktip from Bobstricktips.comExternal Linkto help you understand it.
Casper Flip
1. Any flip trick executed from a casper position. This may simply be half an underflip in order to land back in a natural stance, or any more elaborate trick involving any number of flips and varials to land in any conceivable stance including back into casper. This trick always needs further definition in order to visualise - for example, a 'casper flip out', 'varial casper flip to casper' or 'double casper flip to rail'.
2. Half a flip into a casper stance in mid air, then flipping out of casper and catching the board before landing. Usually this is half a kickflip into casper, followed by a varial underflip to get out of the casper position, but any number of variations are possible.
Casper Slide
A slide on a suitable surface in the casper position. Usually requires a flip of some sort into the slide, and a casper flip (see above) out again.
Many people think this is another name for the bomb drop since it's inclusion into the Tony Hawk games, but a caveman is essentially bombdropping into a grind.
Chef Salad
An ollie impossible landed straight into a 180° nose pivot.
Chicken Salad
A roast beef grab with the arm twisted round. In other words, where in a roast beef your arm goes straight down, so that your elbow is pointing at your groin, your elbow is pointed out in a chicken salad.
If you need a pic to understand this, the clearest example I could find was a wakeboarder doing one. Although it's a different kind of board, it's still the same grabExternal Link.
Christ Air
A grab trick typically performed on a half pipe. After the skateboarder gains air from the vert ramp, he grabs the nose of the skateboard with his front hand as in a nosegrab and then extends his arms and legs in order to look like a capital 'T', or if you prefer, someone being crucified (hence the title of the trick). The skateboard is put back beneath the feet before landing and rolling away.
Classic Flip
An old school flip trick accomplished by hooking your toe underneath the skateboard and jumping. Classic flips are discussed in the flatland skating article. This was effectively the first ever kickflip, and is still called a kickflip today by die hard flatland skaters.
Coconut Wheelie
A coconut wheelie is like a railslide, but the deck never touches the floor - you actually hold it in a wheelie on the side of the board. Not to be confused with a sideride, which is far easier as you stand on the grip instead of the wheels.
When street skating first came about, it was far from great. One of the early "tricks" was the coffin, which simply consisted of lying down on your back on your deck, crossing your arms across your chest, and rolling around like this. Each to their own, I guess.
Coleman Slide
The classic downhill slide, where the board is pushed frontside and only the front hand of the skater is on the road.
Cooper Stand
A rail stand where the skateboarder is balanced at one end of the skateboard only, both feet bunched up around one wheel. Harder to balance, but (I think) enables far more flips to be performed out of the stance. This is named after Lynn Cooper, a famous freestyle skateboarder. Having said that, he never knew it was named after him, this was just how he always did rail stands.
The rounded section of pipe that is attached to the lip of a half pipe, ramp, or other skateboarding obstacle, enabling smoother grinds and lip tricks.
One other possible name for the trick I now know as a boomerang. This was my initial name for the trick before I started calling it a boomerang.
Crail Grab
A nosegrab using the back hand instead of the front, meaning the back hand is taken across the front of the body.
A tailslide performed while grabbing the nose of the skateboard with your back hand across your body. Often seen in pool skating and looks very cool.
Landing an air in vert/pool skating into a tail tap while grabbing crail.
Crooked Grind
This is a combination of a noseslide and a nosegrind, and is also known as a crooked slide, k-grind or simply 'crooked' or 'crooks'.
In order to do this the board must be off at an angle to the rail, hence the title 'crooked'. Note that in a crooked grind the board does not cross over the obstacle before connecting in the grind - that is known as an overcrook.
Like most grinds crookeds can be backside or frontside.
A grab trick where the front hand grips the heelside of the skateboard just inside the front foot with back leg boned. To do this, the front leg is tucked up and the nose of the skateboard pulled into the body.
See x-foot.
All trick skateboard
Pretty much exactly what it says - a backwards end over end flip of the rider and skateboard. This is only possible off of ramps, of course. This was invented by Andy McDonald in 1997, as confirmed by the man himself:
"...I was the first to do a backflip on a skateboard ... I did that in 97. It was just in an era when skateboarders and BMXers were sharing a lot of the same courses for competition. And BMXers could do backflips because they have handlebars and they can just pull back on them when they leave the jump. Inliners could do it because they're strapped in. But skateboarders couldn't figure it out because we're not strapped to our boards. So it was a matter of figuring out how to come off the ramp in such a way that the board sticks to your feet as you start to flip and you reach down and grab it."
Quote from this interviewExternal Link with Andy MacDonald.
Backside is often abbreviated to b/s. Along with frontside, this term is used to further define any trick involving rotation of the rider, and some tricks that involve a rotation of the board. Grinds and slides are also defined as backside or frontside.
When a skateboarder flips the board or performs rotations, if their backfoot is moving backwards the trick is backside. For example, doing a shuvit by kicking the tail of the skateboard backwards is a backside shuvit.
When grinding or sliding, backside is used when the rider has his back to the obstacle as he slides away from it, or in the case of grinds where the board is parallel to the obstacle, if the obstacle was behind the skater as he approached it.
Backside Air
Gaining air (usually out of a half pipe) and travelling in the direction your toes are facing while turning backside. A 180° backside air in combination with a simple grab is probably the most basic half pipe trick you can do.
Backside Alley-Oop
The opposite of a simple backside air (again usually seen in a half pipe); gaining air and travelling in the direction your heels are facing (heelside) while turning backside. Therefore, you are turning away from your direction of travel, and cannot spot your landing until the last second, making alley-oops much more difficult than basic airs.
Backside Boneless
Unlike many tricks, where the rotation of the trick doesn't change how the trick is done, a boneless is done differently when done backside -- the front foot is planted to the toeside of the deck instead of the heelside, and the front hand grabs the board on the heelside edge of the nose (unlike in a normal boneless, where the back hand grabs like an indy).
Backside Flip
Refers to a 180° backside kickflip. When the general term 'flip' is used in a trick name it almost always refers to a kickflip. Similarly, when the amount of spin (ie, the number of degrees) is not specified, the trick is almost always a 180° trick.
Backside Grab
Grabbing the heelside of the board with the front hand between the heels, with the arm to the leading side of (and not between) the legs.
When backside airs were first done, they were always done with this grab, and as such, this grab ended up being called a backside grab. Now, most people call it a melon, although that's technically wrong - a melon is a backside grab with a straightened front leg.
Backside Ollie
A backside 180° ollie; remember when the amount of spin is not specified, the trick is almost always a 180° trick. For more information on how to do a backside ollie, see this article on 180° ollies.
Backside Slide
A downhill slide where your board is pushed backside, with both hands on the road resulting in the skater sliding down the hill feet-first in a 'pressup position'. It's considered the most basic slide.
Bank Skating
Bank skating is using any kind of flat slope of varying steepness to do tricks on. The skater generally rolls up, does the trick, and rolls back down, but as with any obstacle, there are a variety of ways to skate it. Note that ditches basically consist of a multitude of banks.
Barley Grind
A switch frontside 180° ollie into a frontside smith grind.
Bastard Plant
A backside boneless to fakie.
Part of a skateboard, located inside the wheels. Their function is to keep the wheels spinning/rolling when you aren't pushing. Bearings are commonly believed to be graded according to their ABEC value which is supposed to show how fast they are, anything from ABEC AA bearings for the slowest up to ABEC 9's for (as far as I know) the fastest.
This myth is shattered in this article on skateboard bearings.
Originally suggested by Steven Reuss who knows how to clean skateboard bearingsExternal Link.
Essentially a tailgrab, with the back hand holding the tail, while the back foot is taken off the skateboard and extended downwards below the board on the heelside. A vert grab trick that was once popular in street and flatland skateboarding as well.
One of the original dogtown tricks invented by the Z-boys; simply crouching and placing a hand on the ground while sliding the skateboard and your body 180°. Submitted by Sal. Note - you see this all the time in old school videos and I have to say it looks pretty dumb nowadays. But this was invented when skateboarding was little more than surfing on concrete, and in fact was inspired by a surfer called Larry Bertleman (hence the title of the trick - Bertslide).
Big Flip
A 360° flip with a body varial in the same direction. Note the linguistic similarity to a big spin which is simply a 360° shuvit with a body varial in the same direction.
A body varial in the same direction as the spin of the skateboard is properly known as a body follow.
Big Spin
A combination of a 360° shuvit or pop shuvit and a body varial (see below) in the same direction. Read about practicing skateboarding on carpet for more details about shuvits and shuvit variations including big spins.
An advanced slide where the board is at right angles to the obstacle but at a very steep almost vertical angle. The skateboard slides on a lip with the underside of the tail on the side edge and the wheels on the top edge, or in the case of narrow rails, between the wheels and the tail of the deck.
Similar to a tailslide but cranked more vertically.
See bluntslide above; the same position without sliding. This is often seen in park and vert skating as a brief stall at the top of a quarter pipe, since to get into this trick all you need to do is keep the board vertical as you roll past the lip of the quarter pipe and stall with the back wheels hooked over the coping. The difficult bit is getting back into the quarter pipe.
A slide with the skateboard at right angles to and in the middle of the obstacle. The riders weight is distributed evenly between the nose and the tail.
In a boardslide the skateboarder approaches the obstacle (usually a rail, rarely a box or kerb) from either side and ollies onto the obstacle throwing the nose of the skateboard over it. This is the opposite of a lipslide.
A backside boardslide is where the rider approaches facing the rail and turns backwards as he ollies pushing the nose of the skateboard over the rail before landing on it and riding the trick out.
Body Follow
A body varial performed when the skateboard is also spinning in the same direction as the body varial.
Body Jar
A backside nosegrab on vert where you smack your tail on the coping as you re-enter the ramp.
Body Varial
Simply, a skateboarder turning in mid air without taking the skateboard itself with him (note that the skateboard can be spinning as well, just not in contact with the feet). Just jumping 180° on your board is a 180° body varial.
If your board is spinning at the same time and in the same direction as your body varial, then a little known difference is that this is called a body follow.
Part of a skateboard - four bolts attach each truck to the deck. The bolts are used in skateboarding trick tips to help locate a riders feet, as they often provide the only point of reference on an otherwise featureless skateboard - for example "place your front foot just behind the bolts".
Bomb Drop
A skateboarding trick probably best described as a jazzy way to mount your board. The skater begins with the board held behind him with his front hand and jumps into the air, putting the board under his feet with his hand and slamming down to the ground. Can be performed stationary, rolling, or into a half pipe, bowl or other obstacle.
"Boning" a trick is a form of tweak performed by completely straightening one or both legs while in mid air. Doing so results in a boned version of another trick, most commonly a "boned ollie". In some cases, a boned version of a trick eventually takes on it's own identity and becomes to all intents and purposes an entirely new trick - a boned backside grab is now simply known as a melon.
Usually skateboarders bone the front leg, pushing the nose of the skateboard fowards as they do so (because this looks more stylish), so nosebone is pretty interchangeable with boned - eg, an "ollie nosebone".
An old school way of getting airborne. The boneless was invented before the ollie. It involves stepping off the skateboard with your front foot and jumping off that foot while holding the board with your back hand. The boneless is discussed in the flatland skating article.
Originally a BMX trick name, I appropriated this to describe the simple yet quite cool trick of a shuvit with a body varial in the opposite direction. There is no 'official' name for this trick commonly agreed upon by skaters, so feel free to add your interpretation to the growing list of names.
Bowling Kickflip
Invented by Primo Desiderio, the Bowling Kickflip is a fakie kickflip (well, a classic flip to pretty much all non-freestylers) to a one footed landing. The difference between this and any normal fakie kickflip to one foot, however, is that you land on the nose, resulting in a fakie one footed nose drag, if you're following me. The major problem with this trick is that it's all too easy to make the nose stick on the floor and stop you dead, and to be honest, I don't think I've seen anyone but Primo do this trick.
Broken Fingers
A half truckhook impossible caught in a 50-50 - your front hand catches the tail, while the front foot lands on what was the front truck.
The reason this trick got the name is because of how dangerous it can be. If you lean too far over and don't keep the board up high enough, you are literally going to crush your own fingers. Lovely.
BS or B/S
An abbreviation of backside. Or 'bullshit'. Your choice.
A 360 eggplant, invented by Bob Burnquist.
A specific form of railflip to 50-50 (the freestyle trick, not the grind). You start in a cooperflip position, and push the back foot forwards as you jump. This causes the nose of the board to rise, the board to do a three-quarter flip and (if you've timed it correctly) you should land with the back foot on the back truck with the nose of the board in your hand.
Acid Drop
ABD is an acronym that, in the context of skateboarding, stands for "already been done" - it's used in conversation and writing to quickly refer to tricks that have previously been landed at a particular skating spot by another skateboarder.
For example:
* "That video part was crap - it had too many ABD's".
* "Can anybody give me a list of ABD's from south bank?"
ABD stands for a whole lot of other things not to do with skateboarding External Link as well.
Acid Drop
1. To ride straight off of an obstacle such as a ledge and drop to the ground without ollying. Fairly dull and unstylish, and not really a trick (more of an accident). 2. To ride from the top of the ramp clean over the edge - over the coping - and push the front of the board down so that you meet the transition (curved section) of the ramp.
A grab trick involving holding the nose with your front hand while your legs split as if walking. In theory, the more 'steps' you can take while in this position the better the trick is, but rarely is it possible to take more than one or two. Originally an air trick invented by Tony Hawk, then developed into a flatland trick, the 'ollie airwalk', by Rodney Mullen - although technically it's a 'split kick' since Rodney doesn't actually have time to walk. Now hardly ever seen.
A trick performed in the air while turning the opposite or 'unnatural' way to the direction of travel. When travelling in the direction your toes are facing (toeside) rotating frontside 180° or more makes the trick an alley-oop. Conversely, when travelling heelside, rotating backside 180° or more is an alley-oop. Usually this occurs on a half pipe but is also sometimes seen in park skating on hips, quarter pipes and transfers. Any trick can be performed alley-oop but most often you will simply see frontside alley-oops and backside alley-oops. See those defintions for a more specific explanation of 'alley-oop'.
Anchor Grind
A crooked grind without the back truck in the air; it is pushed down beside the obstacle again, similar to how the front truck is pushed down in a smith grind.
Andrecht Invert
An invert with a backside grab, invented by Dave Andrecht.
Anti Casper
A half impossible to nose casper. The skateboard is upside down with the point of the nose on the ground, raised at an angle and held up by the skateboarders back foot which is hooked under the deck. The skaters front foot stands on the underside of the nose. In this position the skateboarder can stall or slide along a suitable surface before flipping out of the anti casper position.
Axle Stall
A stall with both skateboard trucks planted evenly on the lip or object. Like a 50-50 grind without moving.
Outside Boardslide
Outside Boardslide
A slide where the tail and nose of the skateboard slide on two different objects. This is also referred to as a 'nailslide' (Nose/tAIL slide).
50-50 Grind
50-50 Grind
Pronounced 'fifty fifty', a 50-50 grind is your basic grind trick where both trucks grind on the obstacle with your weight distributed evenly between the two.
A flatland skating stance more accurately called a no handed 50-50. In a truckstand the skateboard is held almost upright with the top of the deck facing the ground slightly and balancing on one of it's kicktails. The skateboarders 'back' or bottom foot stands on the bottom truck while his 'front' or top foot is hooked on the other side of the deck to keep the skateboard upright, usually but not always near the top (it is positioned lower down when the skater wants to doSK8 TRICK TIP
Skateboarding Tricktionary
Tony Gale is now virtually a full time editor of the tricktionary, adding more skateboarding tricks every day than I can keep track of and consistently bugging me whenever I get something wrong - thanks Tony.
10 Most Recent Skateboarding Tricks Added To The Tricktionary
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Tuck Knee
Another name for a Japan Air.
Refers to one of 3 distinct tricks:
o 50-50 Casper
o 50-50 Grind
o 50-50 Truckstand
ABD is an acronym that, in the context of skateboarding, stands for "already been done" - it's used in conversation and writing to quickly refer to tricks that have previously been landed at a particular skating spot by another skateboarder.
For example:
o "That video part was crap - it had too many ABD's".
o "Can anybody give me a list of ABD's from south bank?"
ABD stands for a whole lot of other things not to do with skateboarding External Link as well.
Outside Boardslide
A slide where the tail and nose of the skateboard slide on two different objects. This is also referred to as a 'nailslide' (Nose/tAIL slide).
Pool Skating
The art of skating empty swimming pools that have transitioned (curved) sides. Was the forerunner of modern day vert skating, and enjoying a bit of a resurgence of late, although often in specially made pools found in skateparks instead of illegally draining backyard pools as was done originally.
Landing an air in vert/pool skating into a tail tap while grabbing crail.
The Loop
Simply a classic loop-the-loop. Few skaters have done it, but Bob Burnquist mastered it, doing it switch and taking the roof out to essentially do a switch frontside air from one side of the loop to the other.
Any move where a foot is planted on the vertical side of a wall at some point, e.g. a kickflip wallplant.
Broken Fingers
A half truckhook impossible caught in a 50-50 - your front hand catches the tail, while the front foot lands on what was the front truck.
The reason this trick got the name is because of how dangerous it can be. If you lean too far over and don't keep the board up high enough, you are literally going to crush your own fingers. Lovely.
Half Cab Impossible
A half cab impossible is a combination of a half cab and a fakie impossible, often confused with a rolling nosehook impossible.
The way to tell is to look at the front foot, obviously. Also, nosehook impossibles tend to stall on the tail slightly, while the half cab impossible is more of a fluid motion. If you watch, Mullen's are almost always nosehooks, and not half cab impossibles.
Sex Change
Sex Change
Welcome to bizarrely named skateboarding tricks 101! A sex change is a kickflip variation involving a kickflip and a simple body varial, landing in switch. I really like this trick and I practice it a lot. The trick tip below refers to a frontside sex change - I've never even tried a backside version and it would be a lot more difficult.
You need to be comfortable with your basic kickflip, or at least have landed a few, in order to progress to this trick.
1. Start in your kickflip position as before, but wind up a little frontside. This is to get a 'headstart' on the body varial.
2. Jump nice and high off your back foot as usual. You need to push yourself 180° without popping the skateboard in the opposite direction, so be concious not to scrape the tail back as you jump.
3. Once unusual thing about a sex change is the fact that by the time you would normally be flicking your foot off to the side to do a kickflip you will be actually facing forwards due to your body varial. Because of this, you now kick forwards with your front foot as if you were toe punting a football. This will level out the skateboard and cause it to flip.
The motion your front foot should make after kicking forwards is an arc bringing it back round and towards the back of your skateboard as you carry on turning your body varial.
4. Catch the board as usual and land. You have the option of landing in switch or fakie depending on where you catch the board.
Please note that above is my interpretation of a sex change. You could do it a different way by doing a normal kickflip and then using momentum generated by your arms try and turn your body varial afterwards. However, my way is easier and I think more stylish.
The most important thing about kickflipping, like ollying is to remember to jump! You must concentrate on jumping high and forwards, even more so than with the ollie.
1. Foot positioning helps. It's easier to flip the board if the heel of your leading foot is hanging off the edge, leaving just the front half of your shoe on the skateboard. Like with an ollie, you must crouch. The lower you crouch the more force you can generate when you come to jump.
2. JUMP! Jump forwards and up off your back foot. It is imperative that you stay above the board by jumping forwards and up if you want to land a kickflip. If you do not stay above the board, it will shoot forwards, sideways, everywhich way except staying in place, because of the extra flick you will give it with your leading foot.
3. That flick comes now, and is a variation on the foot slide in the normal ollie. It is more powerful and more extensive than the usual foot slide you will get with an ollie. Really try and flick your toes outwards to get the board to spin as fast as possible. The flick should be aimed slightly to the side, though this may well come automatically if you position your foot as stated in step 1.
One thing you must not do is kick downwards. Lots of people will tell you to do this because it's easier to flip the board by kicking downwards - this is true, however it's bad technique and will only get you in all sorts of trouble. For a start, if you kick downwards your foot is now underneath the board - how are you planning on landing on it now?
4. I cannot stress how important it is to stay above the board. That flick with your front foot will send the skateboard out of your reach every time if you do not hover above the board. This means you have to have the guts to commit to the trick. Note - I haven't hurt myself once doing kickflips except when I didn't commit to them - if you commit, your chances of an awkward landing are much lower.
5. As with the ollie, remember to pull your back foot up out of the way so the board has room to rise. Watch the board spin beneath your feet and as it comes round bring your feet back onto the deck to stop it spinning. This is known as 'catching' the skateboard.
6. That's it! Once you've caught the skateboard it's just like stomping down an ollie - all the difficulty is in getting the first part of the kickflip nice and smooth.
You will quickly discover that landing a kickflip, while pretty cool, isn't the real battle. The real battle is landing them smoothly and consistently and this will take a lifetime. Don't be fooled by all the skate videos out there where kickflips are busted out left right and centre seemingly without effort - like any other trick, even the pros fail kickflips.
Two Best Skateboard Tricks
Two Best Skateboard Tricks
Skateboarding is one of the most popular and fastest growing sports in the world; here are some tips for beginners to learn their first skateboard tricks.The most important trick that any new skater can learn is the ollie. This trick is a fundamental part of almost every other more advanced trick, and here I am going to show you exactly how to do it.
Stand on your board with your back foot at the very end of the tail, your front foot should be just behind the middle of the board. Keep your knees bent at all times, and when you're first learning this move don't try to ride too fast as you'll fall and end up on you tube.
To start this move you need to crouch as low as you can get on your board, the lower you get the higher you will be able to ollie. Then you need to slam your back foot down as hard as you can and jump as high as you can. Slide your front foot forward until it is just over your front truck and lean forward. Keep your balance over the center of the board and absorb the shock of the landing by bending your knees.
Now that you have mastered the Ollie it is time to move on to more advanced tricks. The next one I am going to tell you about is the kick flip. This one looks really impressive but is actually quite easy.
You will start off exactly as you did for the Ollie. This time after you hit the tail as hard as you can and jump in the air, you slide your front foot forward but also flick it off the edge of the board and press it down at the same time. If you do this correctly your front foot will make the board spin 360°. You will learn exactly how much pressure to use with the front foot in order to make the board do a complete flip, if you hit it too hard or too soft it will either spin too much or not enough and you'll end up bailing.
Like I said earlier make sure that you keep your knees bent at all times during every trick. This will help you to keep your balance and also reduce the risk of you injuring yourself. When you are learning a brand new trick it is always a good idea to do it without moving, either on the grass or on a piece of carpet.
If you follow my trick tips you'll be skating like a pro in no time. You should practice every day to make sure you have these tricks perfected, then you can move on to the really advanced ones.
Skateboard Trick
Skateboard Trick
These tricks were first made famous by Tony Alva who invented the front air in empty swimming pools in the late 1970s. This has then spread to include the bulk of basic skateboarding tricks like the Ollie and its variations.Basic Freestyle skateboard tricks involve balancing on some other part of the board than all four wheels, such as two wheels or one wheel, the tail of the board, or the edges on either side. It includes flipping and manipulating the skateboard in and out of these stances which were invented in the earliest years of skateboarding, this forms the basis of freestyle or flat ground skateboarding.
Aerial skateboard tricks involve floating in the air while using a hand to hold the board on his or her feet or by keeping constant and careful pressure on the board with the feet to keep it from floating away.
This class of tricks was first popular when Tony Alva became well known for his front side airs in empty swimming pools in the late 1970s and has expanded to include the bulk of skateboarding tricks to this day, including the Ollie and all of its variations.
Flip tricks are a subset of aerials which is based on the Ollie. The first such trick was the kick flip, which involves spinning the board around many different axes. It also includes combining several rotations in to one trick. These tricks are arguably most popular among street skateboarding purists, although skaters with other styles perform them as well.
Lip tricks are performed on the coping of a pool or skateboard ramp. Most grinds can be made on the coping of a ramp or pool as well, but there are some coping tricks which require momentum and vertical altitude that can only be attained on a transitioned riding surface. Those include Inverts and their variations as well as some dedicated air-to-lip combination.
Skateboarders can combine many types of basic, easy and complicated tricks together and find many new combination of skateboarding tricks which helps it keep it appeal amongst skateboarder followers.
The people who invented those basic, early tricks named that trick whatever they wanted. And most of the time it reflects what that person is thinking about the trick at that particular time. The earliest tricks were often named after the person who invented it. For e.g. Andrecht after Dave Andrecht; Ollie after Alan "Ollie" Gelfand; Elguerial after Eddie Elguera.
Sometimes a trick got more than one name as several people invented the trick independently around the same time or the original name was lost and it was given a new name.
Most of new tricks are invented through combining existing tricks together rather than creating something distinctly new, and the name reflects that. For example Danny Way was the first to do a Kickflip into an Indy, so he simply called it a kickflip indy.
Skateboard Tricks
Skateboard Tricks
Tony Alva made skateboard tricks famous through his front side airs in empty swimming pools in late 1970s and it has since spread to include the bulk of many basic and complicated skateboarding tricks, including the Ollie and all of its variations.The basic skateboard stances were founded in the early years of skateboarding and they formed the basis of freestyle or flat ground skateboarding. The easy freestyle skateboard tricks involve balancing on the skateboard with less than all four wheels, on the edges or tail of the skateboard.
Floating in the air while using a hand to hold the board on your feet or by maintaining constant and careful pressure on the board with the feet is the basis of performing aerial skateboard tricks.
These tricks were first made famous by Tony Alva who invented the front air in empty swimming pools in the late 1970s. This has then spread to include the bulk of basic skateboarding tricks like the Ollie and its variations.
Flip tricks can be regarded as a subset of aerials based on the Ollie. One of initial aerial tricks was the Kick flip. It involves spinning the board around many rotations in one trick. These tricks were definitely most famous amongst street skateboarders. Although ramp skaters perform these tricks as well.
Lip tricks are carried out on the coping of a pool or skateboard ramp. We can do most grinds on the coping of a ramp or pool as well, but there are also some coping tricks which include a real moves, which can only be attained on a transitioned riding surface. Lip tricks also consist of some inverts and its variations as well as some dedicated air-to-lip combinations.
Many types of basic tricks can be combined together, and the new combinations and variations are often stated as the reason that skateboarding keeps its appeal amongst its followers.
Most of the names of standard, basic or easy tricks were made up by the person that invented them, and to some extent they reflect what the person was thinking about the trick at the time. We can see that earliest tricks were often named after the person who found them. E.g. Andrecht after Dave Andrecht; Ollie after Alan "Ollie" Gelfand; Elguerial after Eddie Elguera.
Some tricks have more than one name because several people independently invented the same trick around the same time and gave it different names, or because the original name was lost.
Most newer skateboard tricks (basic or easy) are created by combining existing tricks or trick together rather than creating something completely new and unique, and the naming reflects that. Danny Way became the first to do a Kickflip into an Indy, so he simply called it a kickflip indy.
Skateboarding Tips for Beginners
Skateboarding Tips for Beginners
Learn how to get started skateboarding with this easy to follow guide.Next is to get your helmet for your head protection. Most of the skate parks now require helmet for safe precautions especially for beginners on skateboard. Furthermore, protective pads are very good too. If you will do tricks on skateboard, you should protect your elbow and knees by wearing pads too. Getting wrists braces are also smart, however, be careful when you fall and catch your self with your hands.
Now, you’re done, protecting yourself lets move on to some skateboarding tips for beginners. The next thing you will do is to get very comfortable in standing on the skateboard. Set your skateboard on some grass on your lawn or just on your carpet inside the living room where it is spacious. Try standing, jumping, or do what ever you want on it to be comfortable. Balance your feet, or move into different positions while standing on your skateboard. Get used to everything about your skateboard; the size and feel.
After you, get comfortable, figure out your stance. There are two stances called goofy where you skate with your right foot in a forward position, and regular footed is skating forward with your left foot. Just figure out if you are a left or right footed.
Then, learn how to push the skateboard. Go out and find some pavement where you can safely skate. Get used and comfortable in pushing while your skateboard is rolling. Try to cruise around and balance yourself on your skateboard when turning direction while rolling. Push with your back foot when you are slowing down.
Spend more of your time practicing with riding like this and do not be anxious in doing some tricks. If you already feel that you’re doing great riding your skateboard, try skateboarding on easy hills and local skate parks. Little by little, learn and try some of the beginner’s tricks.
A Guide to Skateboard Tricks - You Need To Get One
A Guide to Skateboard Tricks - You Need To Get One
Skateboarding might appear at first glance to be extremely difficult, however, with the right guide anyone can do it.The reality of the matter is skateboarding is remarkably simple, you just need a good tutor to help teach you how it's done. However, the problem here is that there are not lots of skate board schools around. Therefore the next most sensible thing is to get a hold of a really effective guide or manual which presents a step-by-step ways to land virtually any trick you want.
If you're going to get a guide to skateboard tricks than there are some factors you must take into consideration. A really effective guide will have clear photos of each and every component of the trick you want to learn. It is vital that every fresh trick is broken down into basic phases that are really easy to understand. The majority of moves will involve more than one movement which have to be explained clearly.
A good manual will also explain to you precisely why every section of the fresh trick is important and the reason why it must be done. There is normally an order to the actions in the trick and this order is very important.
Skate board tricks range from simple moves such as the ollie or to kick flip, all the way through to the more complex tricks such as 360 impossibles, hand plants and mctwists. However, if you follow a natural progression starting with the more basic tricks you will quickly pick up the more advanced tricks and pretty soon you will be skating like a pro.
If you desperately want to be the envy of all your mates, you need to get hold of an effective step by step guide. Here is an easy to understand guide to skateboard tricks that's crammed full of incredible moves you can be landing in no time. Stop looking at other skaters and wishing you might land their moves, go for it and truly start skating, make an impression on your pals and simply look awesome.
Old School Skateboard Tricks
Old School Skateboard Tricks
The following article deals with various old school skateboard tricks and the ways to perform them. These easy skateboard tricks can be mastered with the help of regular practice.
What is Skateboarding?
Also considered to be an extreme sport, it is a recreational activity in which a skateboarder rides and performs tricks with the help of a skateboard. According to a report presented by 'American Data Sport' in 2002, the number of skateboarders in the world was 18.5 million. Alan "Ollie" Gelfand, is credited with the development of skateboarding which started in the 1970s. If one is wondering how to do skateboard tricks, the following article would provide them with some basic information.
Old School Skateboard Tricks
Most of the skateboard tricks and tips mentioned in the following paragraphs have originated in the 1970s. These techniques have undergone some changes with time and many new tricks or moves have be added to them.
The 360 Spin
The '360 spin' skateboarding trick was popular during the 1970s. The 70s decade witnessed competitions between skateboarders regarding who could perform the maximum number of rotations. The record of 163 full rotations set by Russ Howell in the year 1977 is still unbroken. The variations of the 360 spin trick are one-footed spins, nose spins and hang-ten spins.
This skateboarding trick is named after Bobby Casper Boyden. To perform this trick, the back foot should be placed on the top of the tail while the front foot must be near the nose. In order to exit this trick, a rolling flip is performed. However, there are many different ways to exit the trick.
The Butterflip trick was invented by Keith Butterfield and one needs to do a 'heelside railstand' to perform it. Once in a heelside railstand position, both the legs should be hopped and placed side-by-side on the board. The gap between the feet should hardly be 1 or 2 inches. The leg which is not above the wheels of the skateboard is used to put pressure on the end of the board. As the pressure is applied, the board pops up on the side of the body which has the foot placed above the wheels. The board is grabbed with the hands after it pops up. This completes the trick.
The 50-50 trick is similar to the Casper. It is performed with the board held upside down. In this trick, the back foot should be placed on the back truck instead of the back tail. The trick could be performed either by holding the nose of the board with the hands or by using the front foot.
The Ollie is considered to be the 'trick of all tricks' and allows the skateboarder to reach a certain amount of vertical height. While performing this trick, the skater pops down with the back foot on the tail of the board. With this, the nose of the board pops up and the rider then drags it using the front foot, which helps in raising board higher. The skater then lifts the back foot and stops the drag. The back portion of the skateboard too rises to the same height as that of the front. The skateboard is said to be 'leveled out' in this position. The rider then gets ready to land on the ground with all the four wheel at a time.
To perform this trick, the skateboard should be used like a pogo stick. One foot should be placed on the bottom truck of the skateboard while the other foot should be pressed onto the grip tape side. Variation can be brought in this trick by lifting one of the foot off the board and grabbing the nose.
The old school skateboard tricks explained in the above article are interesting and one would enjoy performing them. One can learn how to skateboard with the help of these tricks and tips. Just be safe while enjoying this and make sure you wear all the required protective gear.
How to Do Skateboard Tricks
How to Do Skateboard Tricks
There are many skateboarding tricks which are grouped into various categories. Learn how to do skateboard tricks this summer and show-off in front of your friends.
Freestyle Tricks
360 Spin: 70s skate competitions would often have an event to see who could do the most consecutive 360 spins on a skateboard.
50/50: The 50/50 is done with a hand holding the nose of the board, or it can be done with the front foot holding up the nose with no hand holding the board up.
Anti-Casper: This is usually done by popping the tail, which would begin the half impossible or half vertical flip, and jumping. Once the board flips half of an Ollie Impossible, it comes down into Switch Casper, and is caught with the front foot on top of the nose and the back foot on the underside of the board in a nose/Switch Casper.
Beanplant: Like a Boneless, but the rider grabs the nose or grabs Lien (heelside of the nose) with the front hand.
Boneless: The skateboarder plants the front foot and grabs with the trailing hand as he/she catches air.
Broken Fingers: The skateboarder starts in Tailstop, puts their front foot near the truck and then starts to jump backwards. The board flips over and goes upside-down and the skateboarder catches the tail of the board and lands with the foot he used to hook the board on the truck.
Butter Flip: To do the Butter Flip, you stand in Heelside Railstand, and hop both feet to one side of the board. Both feet are side by side with no gap larger than an inch or two between them. The skateboarder puts pressure onto the end of the board, using the foot that is not on the wheel. It pops the board up and you grab it with your hand on the same side of your body, as the foot that was on the wheel.
Calf Wrap, Flamingo: A trick where the skateboarder uses one foot wrapped around the board and the other leg which is planted on the ground, then unwraps it to land back in a riding position.
Casper: In a Casper, the board is grip tape side down, with the back foot on top of the tail and the front foot under the board near the nose. The only point of contact between the board and the ground is the tip of the tail.
Casper Disaster: The foot that's not touching the wheel will point down and nudge the grip tape side of the Skateboard while the rider spins 180 degrees towards the direction the of trucks.
Carousel: You start from a 50-50, "throw" the board in "Semi-Circular" Motion but at the same time bend up your foot, so the board wraps around it and you land on the truck and catch the nose of your board.
Daffy: This trick is done with two boards, one foot in a Manual on one board and another foot on the second.
End-Over: A series of 180 degree pivots.
Gymnast Plant: To do the trick you can start from Tailstop or Railstand.
Manual: A trick similar to a bicycle Wheelie, where the rider balances with the front or back wheels off and without the tail or nose on the ground.
M-80: Flip an Old School kick flip, but as soon as it's done flipping, instead of landing on the board with all 4 wheels touching down on the ground, land on it with more weight on the nose for a split second nose Manual, before you pivot on the nose.
No Comply: To ride away, the skateboarder jumps with his/her front foot back on. The No Comply was commonly used by street skaters in the mid to late 80's, most commonly being done off parking blocks by bumping the tail off them.
Ollie: Ollie is the most important and basic "no hands" aerial skateboarding tricks for beginners. It was invented by Alan "Ollie" Gelfand in 1978. The skateboarder has to bend down and push the end of his/her skateboard down. Then while jumping back up with the board, the illusion that it gives of the board kind of defying gravity and popping the board back up. Read more on how to do an ollie.
Ollie Airwalk: The rider initiates an Ollie and grabs the board with the front hand. While this is being done, the rider kicks the front foot forward and kicks the back foot backwards.
Pogo: Done with the board straight up and down, this move uses the skateboard as a pogo stick. One foot is on the bottom truck, and the other usually presses on the grip tape side of the board for grip.
Shove It: The skateboarder pushes down and forward or down and backward and the board spins 180 degrees frontside or backside. The back foot begins the trick and the front foot either assists in the spin by influencing the board or just jumps if the back foot influenced it enough.
Jaywalk: Set up with your stance foot, or your front foot, on the tail of the board, put your back foot on the nose of the board. Pressure is applied to the nose and you pivot 180 degrees on the tail to the side your front foot's heel was facing.
Spacewalk: The skateboarder enters a Manual on the back wheels and swings the nose of the board around. The front wheels cannot touch the ground while the Spacewalk is being done.
Street Plant: One hand holds the board, gets a running start, does a one hand handstand, puts the board under the feet, then comes back down. It is used as a fancy way to get onto one's board.
Switch Foot Pogo: To do the trick, get into a handed Pogo and then continuously switch your feet from the truck and pogo little to keep your balance.
TV Stand: A handstand done in a 50/50. While in a 50/50 or Pogo the rider grabs the bottom truck hops up into a handstand with the other hand holding the nose of the board.
Walk The Dog: Freestyle footwork in which you put one foot in the middle of the board, step to the nose with the back foot, and bring the nose to the back, spinning the board 180 around the center foot.
YoYo Plant: Usually done by rolling fakie and with one hand planted on the ground as the other is grabbing the board.
YoHo Plant: The HoHo Plant involves a Handstand with both hands, and only your feet in the air holding the board up as if you were upside down. The rider starts to roll fakie into the YoYo. Plant with one hand on the ground and one on the board.
Aerial Tricks
Airwalk: The skateboarder grabs the front of the board while performing a no-footed backside jump. The stunt looks as if he/she is walking in the air.
Backside Air: The skateboarder rides up, grabs the board on the heel side with front hand, lifts up, turns backside, and lands forward. This is a basic vertical skateboarding.
Benihana: One footed tail grab, where the skateboarder takes the back foot off the board and kicks it straight down or sideways in the back. The front foot is used to kick the board out and ahead of the skateboarder.
Body Jar: It's a backside Air where the skateboarder grabs the front of the board and slams the back of the board on the ground.
Caballerial: It's a 360 backside Ollie after doing a fakie.
Cannonball: It's an aerial where the skateboarder grabs the front of the board with front hand and the back of the board with back hand.
Christ Air: It's an Air where the skateboarder grabs the board with one hand and the body is in a "crucifix" type position.
Gay Twist: It's a fakie mute 360 with a twist of caballerial with a mute grab.
Indy: Grab the toe-side railing with back hand while the skateboarder is performing a backside Air.
Grosman Grab: The skateboarder takes the front hand down between both legs and grabs the heel side of the board.
Japan Air: It's basically a Mute Air where the skateboarder pulls the board up and behind his back with knees pointed down.
Judo Air: It's a backside Air where the skateboarder lifts the front foot off the board and kicks it forward while pulling the board back and then the back foot lands on the board.
Lien Air: It's a front Air where the skateboarder grabs the nose or heel of board with front hand.
Madonna: It's a one-footed lien to the tail where the skateboarder take the front foot off and kicks it straight down behind the board.
McTwist: This aerial trick is performed where the skateboarder does a backside 540 while grabbing Mute.
Melancholy/Melon: It's a backside Air as the skateboarder grabs the board from the heel side and between the feet with the front hand while pulling the board forward.
Mute Air: Ride up the transition, do an Ollie, and grab the board with front hand. Turn back ways and then land on both the feet.
No Comply: The skateboarder pops the tail of the board and plants the front foot on the ground at the same time. Then jump off from the planted foot and catch the board with the inside of back leg with the front foot landing back on the board.
Nosegrab: Same as the tail grab, but the skateboarder does an Ollie, pops back foot off the board, and grabs the front of the board. As he/she leaves the board, sets back foot down over the back bolts, and the front foot over the front bolts.
Roastbeef: The skateboarder grabs the edge of board from between the legs. It is similar to a Stalefish.
Rocket Air: The skateboarder grabs the front of the board with both hands and places both feet on the back board at the same time while in the air.
Saran Wrap: It is performed by grabbing the back of the board with front hand and kicking the front leg forward in a circular movement. As the leg goes 180 around the board, the back hand grabs like a front Air and the front foot is back on the board.
Sean Penn: Similar to Madonna, but the skateboarder turns backside while kicking the front foot up and off the side of the board and hits the back board on the coping.
Slob Air: Going up the transition where the skateboarder grabs the board with front hand and between the legs. Then popping off the coping and turning front side, he/she lands.
Stalefish: The back hand grabs the heel side of the board and reaches around the back leg.
Stiffy: The skateboarder is in the same position as the Indy and does a 90 while shaking the board with the back hand.
Tailgrab: The skateboarder jumps from either side of board, reaches behind, and grabs the back of the board with bank hand.
Varial: The skateboarder grabs the board between the legs with the back hand and performs a 180 front side landing back on the feet.
Slide Tricks
Anti-Casper Slide: This will be done in a nose Casper position. Flip the board into a nose Casper while half impossible and half sliding on the front board.
Bert Slide: When the board is still on the ground, the skateboarder puts his hand on the ground and rotates the board. Bert slide is used to brake, turn, or just show off in front of everyone.
Blunt Slide: Performed on a flat ground or downhill, Ollie over or on top of an obstacle and fit the tail of the skateboard on the edge of the railing and then slide.
Board Slide/Rail Slide: The board mounts on top of the obstruction perpendicularly, while the skateboarder slips on the center of the board.
Casper Slide: Performed by switching the board into an upside down position with one foot on the bottom of the board and the front foot underneath the front, and sliding on the tip of the board's concave.
Crail Slide: Performed on a ramp, the skateboarder grabs the front of the board with the back hand as he is sliding.
Dark Slide: The skateboarder comes near a rail and does a flip trick over the obstruction so he/she lands on the board upside down with their feet on the nose and the tail and slides across the obstacle.
Lip Slide: Same as a board slide, the skateboarder turns 90 for the trailing trucks to land over the rail and the he/she slips to the middle of the board.
Nail Slide: Combined with a tail slide and nose slide which is performed between two obstacles at the same time.
Nose Blunt: Similar to blunt slide, skateboarder does a 90 Ollie over the obstruction, while locking the nose into a slide position and the wheels get dragged across the rail.
Nose Slide: Skateboarder rides parallel to an obstruction, performs an Ollie and turns the board 90, landing on the obstruction with the front of the board sliding on top of it.
Tail Slide: Similar to the nose slide where the skateboarder turns the back of the board 90 and lands on the edge of the obstruction.
Power Slide: Performed by increasing speed, turning 90, and leaning the entire body back. Hands don't touch the ground to make the board roll and look stylish.
Cess Slide: Increase speed as the skateboarder shifts his weight and slides the back wheels up and catches it while turning 90.
Coleman Slide: Skateboarder wears sliding gloves and performs a front side slide using the downhill hand with the glove, so that he/she can break the wheels free of grip. Then swinging the uphill hand close to the body, return the board back from the first slide in a pendulum movement.
Toe Slide: A backside slide where the skateboarder keeps both hands on the ground and in front of the toes, extending his/her body out performing a push-up and keeping the knees bent. Spinning around in a pendulum movement or complete 180.
Layback: A front slide where the skateboarder rides downhill while placing right hand on the ground behind the back of the board and stopping the back wheels. Rotate 180 or 90 and swing in a pendulum movement.
Surrender Slide: The skateboarder keeps both hands on the ground in front of the board and lowers his/her upper body near the ground. Extend the legs behind and grip the board with the sides of both feet.
Pressure Spin: The skateboarder dives forward in a surrender slide and slings the board around with both legs while doing a front/back 360 spin.
Nose/Tail 5-0 Slides: The skateboarder slides the front/back wheels on the ground and stands up on the board. If the front of the board slides on the ground, it will be considered as a blunt slide.
Flip Tricks
360 Kick Flip: A backside 360 pop shove-it while kicking the board and starts a kick flip and spins the board in a backside 360 pop shove-it. Read more on how to do a kickflip on a skateboard.
360 Heel Flip: A combination of a front side 360 shove-it and a heel flip.
360 Jard Flip: A front 360, front pop shove-it, and a kick flip all in one movement.
360 Inward Heel Flip: A backside 360 shove-it with a heel flip in one movement.
360 Backside Flip: A 360 flip where the skateboarder twists 360 with the board.
360 Forward Heel Flip: Ollie and slide the front foot directly off the front of board. It's an inverted 360 inward heel flip.
Big Spin: The skateboarder performs a back 360 pop shove-it and then a 180 body aerial going the same direction as the board.
Big Spin flip: A combination of a backside big spin and a kick flip.
Front Side Big Flip: The skateboarder performs a front side big spin kick flip.
Caballerial Flip: A combination of a front side or backside 360 fakie stance and then a kick flip.
Casper Flip: First part has a half kick flip caught upside down with back foot on top of the back board and front foot holding the front part of the deck. Second part has backside shove-it spinning in the air.
Disco Flip: It's a regular heel flip with a backside 180 body aerial.
Finger Flip: The skateboarder flips the board in any direction using the fingers on the nose or tail of the board.
Gazelle Flip: The skateboarder does a 540 flip with a body rotation of 360 degrees in the same direction.
Ghetto Bird: Performed by a hard flip with a late backside 180.
Helipop: Front side or backside 360 Nollie.
Mystic Flip: A varial kick flip in which the skateboarder does a 180 body turn in the different direction.
Nightmare Flip: A pop shove-it and a double kick flip. It looks like a Varial kick flip, with an extra kick flip rotation.
Nollie: Another version of the Ollie, a Nollie is performed when the skateboarder takes his front foot (left or right, your choice) and pops the front of the board down. Then his/her back foot drags the back of the board and lifts it off the ground. This is exactly the opposite to an Ollie.
Under Flip: The skateboarder flips the board with one foot that's under the board and flips it in a kick flip direction.
Varial Heel Flip: A Varial heel flip is a flip which is combined with a front side pop shove-it.
Varial Kick Flip: A Varial kick flip is a kick flip which is combined with a pop shove-it.
Nerd Flip: A front pop shove-it and under flip in one movement.
Bull Flip: A front 720 gazelle nerd flip.
Haslam Flip: The skateboarder does a half Varial kick to a half late heel flip in one movement.
Day Dream Flip: It's a Varial heel double flip in one movement.
Karate Flip: The skateboarder performs a one footed rail stand.
Grape Flip: Grape flip is a hard flip 360 body Varial.
Lip Tricks
Axle Stall: It's a stall on both trucks of a skateboard and is used commonly to regain composure before performing another trick or to "drop in" on a ramp.
Bam: Front or backside of 180 of an axle stall.
Boardstall: Between the trucks, this is a stall on the wheels of the board.
Bean Plant: The front foot gets planted from the edge of the board.
Blunt to Fakie: It's a small Ollie performed with the back board placed over the ramp and then come off the lip and ride back down the ramp in a fakie.
Crailtap: It's a tail block performed by the skateboarder holding the nose of the board with one hand and leaning over the transition as he/she lands.
Dark Stall: It's a stall on the edge as the board goes upside down and the gripped side touches the ground.
Disaster: The skateboarder does a 180 and lands on center board with the front facing toward the the ramp. He/she then leans forward and returns back on the ramp.
Egg Plant: The skateboarder front hand is on the coping and the back hand is grabbing like an Indy.
Fakie: Any and all tricks that go back in switch-stance which was not initiated from a "switched" stance.
Feeble: Similar to a 50-50 where the front board goes over the coping or top of ramp.
Frontside Invert: It's an invert where the skateboarder keeps the front hand on the coping and the back hand will grab a frontside Air.
Good Buddy: An invert fakie.
Ho-Ho: Both hands are on the coping at the same time at one point during the trick, while the skateboarder walks on his/her handds if so desired.
Jolly Mambo: A frontside invert where the skateboarder performs a back flip around at the invert's peak, landing to fakie.
Layback Air: An invert-like trick performed frontside while grabbing mute and placing the back hand on the coping.
Miller Flip: An invert in which you flip all the way around into the fakie position. basically a vertical cartwheel.
New Deal: A nosepick snapped off into a disaster. Can also be done while grinding, then sliding.
Nose Blunt: Either 180 up to the lip, or come up fakie and land on the front foot with your nose and truck balancing on the edge of the coping.
Nose Pick: A stall on the front truck which is grabbed for re entry. May be done backside or frontside.
Nose Stall: A trick where the skateboarder reaches the top of the transition, leans on the skateboard's nose, and drops back in switch or reverts back to regular either frontside or backside.
Pivot: The most basic go up and turn around on your back truck. Add a little flair by slashing at the coping instead.
Pogo: Any air straight up and then landing in a rock and roll.
Poliki: Similar to a layback air, but grabbed on the outside rail, more commonly known as an Underplant.
Tail Drop: Essentially a Tail Stall done on a ledge and popping out of it onto the ground/bank. Variations can include flips with it.
Rock and Roll: Similar to the Rock to Fakie only a quick 180 is done as you come off the lip so that you don't ride fakie. The frontside variation is much harder and is considered one of the most stylish lip tricks.
Rock to fakie: This is a quick, common and easy lip trick performed mostly to link tricks together on mini ramps. The front truck is placed over the lip of the ramp and then the board is "rocked" slightly before coming back down backwards (fakie).
Sad Plant: An invert whereby the skater's front leg is fully extended.
Smith Plant: An regular invert where the board is tweaked in a backside rotation so that the legs are almost crossed, with the toes of the back foot touching the tail.
Smith Grind: A trick where the back trucks are on the coping and the front trucks aimed into the ramp.
Staple Gun: The skateboarder rides straight up and off the ramp while placing the back foot on the transition below the coping. The board is then stomped down onto the platform with the front foot and pulled back into the ramp toward the back ankle. Hopping of the back foot and back onto the board, the rider rides away fakie.
Sweeper: A fronstide nose grab foot plant, where the back foot is taken off and rests on the coping.
Switch: Any goofy foot trick executed by a regular foot skater or vice versa.
Tail Block: Usually done backside; grab the nose with the front hand while carving backside and stall parallel to the coping at the peak of the carve having only the edge of the tail resting on the coping.
Tail Stall: Stall on tail.
Texas Plant: Go up to the lip frontside and take the back foot off and plant it on the coping, while grabbing the tail and extending the front leg.
Texas Two-Step: Identical to a Texas Plant, except that, like in a Switch-Foot Pogo, the rider constantly (until dropping back in) alternates the planted foot.
Thruster: A fakie tail grab foot plant, where the back foot boosts off the coping. Can be done straight up and down, or moving across the coping.
Tuck-knee Invert: An invert that is grabbed like a Japan Air and tweaked severely, sometimes with the nose of the board hitting the helmet.
Woolly Mammoth: A fakie frontside invert the back hand is still grabbing the board, and the front hand is still on the coping.
Grind Tricks
50-50 Grind: This move evolved from the horizontal-stance carve grind in pools and was taken up on top of the lip.
5-0 Grind: In this maneuver, the back truck grinds the rail/edge, while the front truck is suspended directly above the rail/edge.
Nosegrind: The skateboard's front truck grinds a rail or edge, while the back truck is suspended over the rail/edge.
Crooked Grind: It is like a nosegrind, but the tail of the board is angled away from the rail/ledge on which the trick is performed, causing the edge of the deck's nose to also rub.
Overcrook Grind: The same as a Crooked grind but the skateboarder Ollies over the rail at an angle. It is when the majority if the board is angled on the opposite side of the rail to a normal 'crook' grind.
Feeble Grind: In this maneuver, the back truck grinds a rail while the front truck hangs over the rail's far side.
Smith Grind: This maneuver entails the back truck grinding an edge or rail, while the front truck hangs over the near side of the object,leaving the edge of the deck to rub the lip/edge.
Willy Grind: Very rarely executed, the Willy is done with the front truck sliding on the grinding surface (as in a nose grind) while the back truck hangs down below the surface on the opposite side to which the skateboarder approached.
Losi Grind: A Losi Grind is the equivalent of a feeble grind on the front truck. Also called "Nosefeeble" or "Over-Willy".
Salad Grind: This is very similar to the 5-0, but the front truck is suspended over the far side of the rail/edge the grind is performed on. Like the "overcrook" grind is like a crooked nosegrind the Salad grind is like a crooked 5-0.
Suski Grind: This is also very similar to the 5-0 but unlike the salad grind your front trucks are pointed towards you like a smith grind but above the ledge unlike the smith grind
Tailslide: When you slide with the tail of the skateboard.
Noseslide: Same as a tailside but sliding on the nose of the skateboard
Boardslide: A boardslide is a grind in which the skater puts the middle of his deck on the pole/curb, holds it in place, moving 90 degrees to the rail.
Lipslide: This is a boardslide but to get onto the rail you bring the back trucks over the rail. In a boardslide, to get onto the rail, you bring the front trucks over the rail.
Bluntslide: This is a tailslide but the board is more vertical than horizontal as in a tailslide.
Nosebluntslide: A Bluntslide performed on the nose of the board.
Hurricane: A 180 degree turn into a backwards feeble grind, exiting via a 270 degree return spin.
Sugarcane: Much the same idea as a Hurricane, except you Ollie 270 into a backwards Smith grind instead of feeble grind, so the board is hanging down below the lip, instead of over it.
Layback Grind: This is an archaic variation of the basic frontside or backside grind whereupon the skater leans back ("lays back") and places their trailing hand on or near the lip being ground, ostensibly to help "push" the grind further.
Grab Tricks
Airwalk Grab: The skateboarder grabs the nose of the skateboard and kick the front foot in a spin is when the rider take his/her front hand.
Backside Grab: Any grab with the either hand on the back rail of the board between the heels.
Bacon Grab: Backside air with leading hand reaches between the legs and grabs middle of board.
Buttcrack Grab: A grab where your legs are split with one leg stretched out across the board while the hand opposite the leg holds the hey tail of the board.
Cannonball Grab: This trick can also be done as an early grab, in which case it is commonly called a smallie, a smurf, or a bunnyhop.
Christ Air: The skater grabs the board out from under their feet and forms a "T" shape with their body as if on a cross with the board out-streched in either hand.
Crail Grab: The skateboarder grabs the toe side nose with the back hand brought in front of the body.
DelMar Indy: It's essentially an Indy but you tweak your body to the side (either) and you endup with your legs behind you most of the time.
Double Grab: The board is grabbed with one hand on the frontside of the board and the other hand on the backside of the board.
Frigid Air: Similar to a Judo, though the front foot is kicked out on the heel side, rather than the toe side, rail. Though the trick has been done on vert, it was most common during the mid '80s jump ramp craze.
Indy Grab: It's a simple grab in which the rider uses their back hand to grab the toe side of the board while in the air.
Japan Grab: With the front hand grabbing toe side between the heels, the legs are then bent and folded to the back of the board.
No Foot-air: The skateboarder grabs the board and virtually do a one handed superman pose, similar to a trailing haded christ air, without the rigid body positioning.
Nosebone: Whilst performing a tail grab, the rider must direct the nose of the skateboard downwards at an approximate angle of 45 degrees.
Nuclear: Similar to a Crail grab, where you grab the heel side of the nose with the trailing hand.
Stalefish Grab: The back hand grabs the heel side of the board behind the back leg. This results in a bending of both legs which can be emphasized to create more style.
Superman Grab: The board is grabbed on both sides (one hand each) and is brought in front or above the skater's body.
Tai-pan Grab: A tai-pan grab is where the skateboarder takes his/her front hand and wraps it around their leg from behind so they grab the toe side of the board.
Tailbone: A tailbone is performed by executing a nose grab and directing the tail of the board downwards at an approximate angle of 45 degrees.
Tuck Knee: A tuck Knee is a grab consisting of putting you're knees on the board with the soles of you're shoes facing towards the tail, and bending you're legs backwards while one hand grabs the side of the skateboard.